Friday, March 2, 2012

Decorating on the Cheap

Our annual Girl Scout cookie celebration is coming up fast. This year we are incorporating the 100 year birthday celebration and our cookie sale success into one big bash. Since we are in a very rural area, money in the service unit is sparse. Thanks to all of the neat ideas I am finding on pinterest, I am sure we can decorate our city building on a $25.00 budget. I took left over green and white balloons and an old wire hanger and made a birthday wreath. Total investment (had to purchase more balloons) was $4.00 and sore fingers from knotting 240 balloons.
Several pintestet pins offer free printables. I found an excellent one yesterday with a Ruth Bell Graham quote about a happy marriage. I printed off the template, purchased a black picture frame from the Dollar Store for $1.50 and viola! I have a cute, whimsical picture for my bedroom.

Will post photos later.....
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3


our family

our family
the girls


our girls