Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today would have been my granny and papal's 59th wedding anniversary. I miss her more each day. It was a sobering morning, then my attitude changed. I am finally going on a ME ME ME weekend. That may sound selfish, but I have been selfless for the past 7 years. I so need a break from the daily grind.

The title of this blog is memories. That is what I am hoping to make this weekend. I plan to visit some old friends from college and to see some neat little sites along the way. I want to make it up to the Marble King, the Homer Laughlin Plant and to a spa. I haven't had my nails done in 8 years. Most of all I am looking forward to a weekend to spend some time with alone with God, to get my bearings and just seek Him. I want to find out what He has in store for me and what works that I need to be doing. It is amazing at my own change in attitude. Things that used to upset me just don't have that privilege anymore.

I have my trip almost planned out. I am still working on the little things. I am looking for neat places to eat. My trip one way is 189.17 miles. That is directly to my friend's house. So I am guessing 250 each way.

My kids are not happy about this trip. They wonder what they are going to eat while I am gone, plus they just don't like to be left behind. Jordan is especially upset with me. She wants to shop, do her hair and nails and hang out with mom. Alivia- I think she could care less. Kevin is especially supportive of the trip. He knows that I need this. He simply asked me when I was coming home. He didn't TELL me, he ASKED me. It is nice when a marriage works that way. Consideration. A gift that is learned.

Enjoy your weekends, hopefully no snow will invade our plans.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow .....Again

I woke up this morning to about 5 inches of snow. I am begining to wonder if Global Warming has came to WV or if it is completely passing up by. The month of January has been mostly all white. I believe that Webster County has had at least 6 school closures, and numerous 2 hour delays. It has provided my girls with alot of fun. I love the snow, until someone drives through it and it gets dirty. I have been wanting to get outside, but it is raining here and the weather channel says that there is a possibility of flooding. Good Grief.
An update on the plans for Valentine's day. I am still looking for something to compliment the Italian dinner. I have been trying to locate some of Kevin's family that is still in Naples, Italy. I am not having much luck in it though. I spent about 2 hours on it last night and came up with one similar spelling. Pray for me as I really think this would be a neat gift for him.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Love is in the AIR!

Oh...Valentine's Day is coming up and every year I try to think of something neat to do for Kevin. This year I though it would be cool to take in some authentic Italian cuisine. My husband's paternal grandmother was a GI bride from Naples, Italy. She passed away shortly after Kevin and I started going out. He misses those hearty meals of lasagna, spaghetti, brushola, and numerous other dishes. So, I started searching the web and realized that there was a highly rated cafe just 1/2 hour from my home. Cafe Cimino. I found their website and checked out their menu and my mouth started watering!!! I can't wait until Valentine's day myself. I actually get to dress up and go out to dinner with my husband! We are celebrating our 6th Valentine's as a married couple and I think it is important to still go on dates. I love the freedom to laugh, go to the bathroom alone, and not share my food with someone who doesn't like their's. If only for a few hours. It is those few hours that reconnect you with someone or even yourself. I haven't made up my mind about what else I am going to do as part of a "Package of Heritage" gift. I don't have much time to come up with it either. If any of you have ideas, tell me on facebook. (in the message section). I hope that each of you have a special Valentine's day. You don't have to be with someone to appreciate yourself. Hey- pretty profound isn't it?

Saturday, January 24, 2009


As a Girl Scout Leader in a very rural area it is hard to find things to do that are accessible and affordable at the same time. I was browsing the web and saw something about geocaching. I had heard about it from one of my friends on facebook, so I started exploring. I have signed up for it and am now looking for an affordable GPS unit. I can't wait to take my troop on a treasure hunt. I think they will be great at it. Another thing that I hope to expose them to is glass making. WV has a long history of glass making. In March we are checking out the WOW Factory in Mo-town WV. I hope to schedule a demonstration at Hinkle's or another one in Weston that day, to show them how people make glass.
We are gearing up for the Disney on Ice show in February. After that we are going to the Clay Center to participate in "Girls in Engineering" day. There are going to be several displays and booths for us to participate in.
Hope everyone is warm. It really won't be long until the tulips and Easter Lillies are poking through the ground.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The sun was out today and it was a welcome change. The girls were disappointed that the snow melted. I was busy today wiht getting things ready for our girl scout meeting. We made birdseed biscuits. The girls did a great job. I found the idea in a FamilyFun magazine. There are so many ideas to be found in that magazine. I have found some interesting websites on the net. I have been looking for ideas to make lessons more interesting for Jodie and Liv. World Thinking Day is coming up. It is a Girl Scout day in which we learn about girl scouts in other countries. We have chosen Ireland this year as our country. Most of us are of Irish descent, so it seemed the obvious choice. I can also incorporate it into my homeschool lessons in March.

Tomorrow we will finish up our third week of school. It has came a long way. We are going to starting preparing for the Iowa test next week. Pray for us!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am trying to upload photos of our day in the snow, but I am not having much luck with it. Hopefully I can figure it out. I have been busy this evening with finding places for people to get together at Myrtle Beach this summer. Hopefully I can find something cheap. Several of us are interested in getting together. The beach sounds like a nice place when I look out my window and see 5 inches of snow.

Let's Play in the Snow!!

Snow, Snow and more Snow. The public school system hasn't had but 3 days of school in the last 10. We have trucked along though, we did take Monday off for MLK jr. Day. Today was a good day. Jordan is learning the long a sound and that most of the time the e is magically silent. Our ocean unit is going well. We read the book, "She Sells Seashells by the Seashore" today. Yes- it was hard for me to read. They thought it was funny. Alivia is counting objects to 10. Jordan is counting objects by 2's. Today we used seashells as our objects. We start on counting by 5's next week and also subtraction. We were very busy today. We are still talking about Day 4 of creation and the seasons.
Kevin didn't have to work today due to the weather, so after school and lunch we headed outdoors for some fun in the snow. There has got to be some use for it after all. The girls and their dad had a blast sleight riding. I was the camera woman. I laughed so much I think I have wrinkles around my eyes now.
I will bet it amused our Lord too. To see grown people enjoy this day with their children must make His heart glad. I am thankful each day for my children and the joys of hearing their laughter. My husband laughs just as loudly as my kids. Next time it snows, get outside and just laugh. It does a heart and your soul good.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

I used to love the snow, but it has snowed constantly for about one week, not to mention that it dropped below zero a few times as well. I think snow is fantastic from December 23rd to January 2nd and then it needs to warm up to 65 degrees. My kids on the other hand, think it is the best thing. Alivia (4 yrs) thinks that it is Christmas when it snows. Today we went to the library and the whole time we were there she could not wait to get home to play in the stuff. She loves to make snow angels. I have a heavenly host all over my yard. Jordan loves to bomb her dad with snowballs whenever he is in the vicinity. She laughs the entire time she is outside. It is a great noise that I love to hear. This snow isn't the best for snowmen and thank goodness for that, because every time they make a snowman, I lose my hats, scarves and gloves. I find them when the snow finally melts about a week later.

School went well today. We are doing a unity on the ocean. We did math with seashells and we talked about salt water and fresh water. Liv thinks that her beta Ol' Blue would like to live in salt water. So, I had to hide the salt shakers. It amazes me at how interested in marine life my girls are. Jordan is learning a new /a/ sound. She picked it up very quickly. Liv is learning the letter D and we are still working on the number 2. She makes them backward but she knows how to count objects out. We have been working on fine motor skills too. Scissors can be tricky for 4 year olds. Hopefully we will start piano lessons in the near future and that will be fine art exposure for them. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies

It is that time of year again when the little Brownies and other troops are selling Girl Scout Cookies. I am the leader of a troop of multi-aged girls. We have Daisies, Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes. I set a team goal of 1200 boxes. Which is actually 100 cases. I don't think we are going to have the problem of selling that many cookies. My troop is doing a fantastic job of reaching their goals.

The problem I have with the Girl Scout cookies is that they are ADDICTIVE!!! The samoas and the thin mints, it is hard to stop at just one box. Let alone one cookie. My entire family loves them. To date, Jordan has sold 90 boxes and she has just 60 boxes to go to meet her goal of 150 boxes. I am proud of her and her efforts. She does great for a 6 year old. This is a picture of her and buddy Abbi at a hockey game in early January. They are wearing their Daisy uniforms. We paid for this trip with money they made from selling the fall product. We set a goal of 308 items and they sold over 400. Way to go.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New to blogging.

Thought we would try this blogging thing to update as many of our family members as possible at one time. Today was warmer than yesterday's high of 4 degrees. Last night it actually got down to -10 or so. That is cold.
Kevin hasn't had to work since Tuesday and he doesn't have to go back until Tuesday the 20th. We are expecting more snow-- YUKKO.
We finished up the 2nd week of homeschooling and God is blessing me each day. I am learning right along with the girls. Jordan will start prepping for her standardized tests next week. Alivia is learning her letters and her numbers. We start on the Letter D next week and the number 3.
Kevin came forward in church and asked to be baptized. We have finally found a church that we are comfortable in and that teaches the word of God. We have came a long way and we are not perfect. We are, however, FORGIVEN.
We have been reconnecting with old friends on Facebook and sometimes it makes us feel old, but for me (Stephene) I am finding some of my old accountability partners and rekindling that element in my life. It is impressive to see where some of us are and how many kids we have.
Christ is good. It reminds me of the verse Jeremiah 29:11 -- "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."
God Bless each of you.
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3


our family

our family
the girls


our girls