Sunday, January 18, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies

It is that time of year again when the little Brownies and other troops are selling Girl Scout Cookies. I am the leader of a troop of multi-aged girls. We have Daisies, Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes. I set a team goal of 1200 boxes. Which is actually 100 cases. I don't think we are going to have the problem of selling that many cookies. My troop is doing a fantastic job of reaching their goals.

The problem I have with the Girl Scout cookies is that they are ADDICTIVE!!! The samoas and the thin mints, it is hard to stop at just one box. Let alone one cookie. My entire family loves them. To date, Jordan has sold 90 boxes and she has just 60 boxes to go to meet her goal of 150 boxes. I am proud of her and her efforts. She does great for a 6 year old. This is a picture of her and buddy Abbi at a hockey game in early January. They are wearing their Daisy uniforms. We paid for this trip with money they made from selling the fall product. We set a goal of 308 items and they sold over 400. Way to go.

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